【引き算の造形美】 松徳硝子 うすはり 葡萄酒器 ブルゴーニュ 木箱2P
【引き算の造形美】 松徳硝子 うすはり 葡萄酒器 ブルゴーニュ 木箱2P
- グラスを洗う時は、他の食器とは別にして中性洗剤などで優しく手洗いして下さい。研磨剤入りのスポンジ、クレンザー、金属たわしなどを使用しますと、グラスに傷が付き破損の原因になりますので、ご使用にならないでください。指輪などでもグラスに傷が付く場合がありますのでご注意ください。
- 食器洗い乾燥機は、機種により高温水でグラスが破損する場合がありますので、ご使用はお控えください。
- グラスの内側を洗う際は、十分にご注意ください。内側から力を入れてひねり洗いしますと、破損して思わぬ怪我をする恐れがあります。柄付きのスポンジ等のご使用をお勧めします。
- 急激な温度変化(特に急冷)でグラスが割れることがあります。ガラスが熱いうちに冷たいものを入れたり、濡れたところに置かないでください。
- グラスに傷が付くと破損しやすくなります。グラスどうし、あるいは硬いものとぶつからないように取り扱ってください。
- 洗浄後は、よく乾燥してから収納してください。
- グラスを積み重ねますと、破損したり外れなくなったりします。スタック専用以外のものは、積み重ねないでください。やむを得ず重ねる時は、グラスの間に柔らかい紙などを間に挟んでください。
- 長期間使用しないと環境によってはグラスが曇る場合があります。曇り・汚れが洗っても落ち難い時は、食酢などを加えると落ちやすくなります。
Product contents: 2 pieces of Burgundy
Use: wine
This glass is designed to beautifully showcase the true colors of beverages as they naturally are.
Product Description
Our products are meticulously handcrafted with great attention to detail, passing from one artisan's hands to another. Named "Ushihari" based on the concept of thin glass and the delicate and soft imagery associated with Japanese hiragana. "Ushihari" is celebrated for its extreme thinness, minimizing any foreign sensation when the glass touches the lips. It is highly favored by those who have a strong commitment to enjoying their beverages delicately and more deliciously, as well as renowned establishments such as traditional Japanese restaurants, ryotei, bars, and restaurants. Beyond its functional attributes as a glass, it has received high praise from artists and designers both domestically and internationally for its "subtraction-based aesthetic" that brings out the delicacy and grace of glass, as well as its "Japanese modern design" that complements traditional lacquerware.
Care Instructions
When washing the glass, please do so separately from other dishes using a mild, neutral detergent and hand wash gently. Using abrasive sponges, cleansers, or metal scrubbers may scratch the glass, leading to potential damage, so please refrain from using them. Be cautious with rings and other accessories, as they may also scratch the glass.
Dishwashers vary, and in some cases, the glass may break due to high-temperature water, so it is advisable to avoid using dishwashers. Be especially careful when washing the interior of the glass. Using too much force when scrubbing from the inside may lead to damage. It is recommended to use sponges with handles or similar tools.
Glassware may break when exposed to rapid temperature changes, especially rapid cooling. Avoid pouring cold substances into a hot glass and avoid placing it on wet surfaces. Glassware becomes more vulnerable to breakage if it has scratches, so handle it with care and prevent contact with other hard objects.
After washing, ensure the glassware is thoroughly dry before storage. Stacking glasses can lead to breakage or difficulty in separating them. Except for stackable designs, please avoid stacking them. If you must stack them, place soft paper or a similar material between the glasses.
In some environmental conditions, glassware may become cloudy if not used for an extended period. If cloudiness or stubborn stains persist after washing, adding vinegar or a similar substance can help remove them.
产品内容:2只勃艮第红酒杯 用途:葡萄酒
我们的产品是由工匠精心手工制作,注重细节,由一位工匠的手传递给另一位工匠。这款玻璃杯以薄玻璃的概念和与日本平假名相关的细腻和柔软意象为基础而命名为“牛針”。 “牛針”因其极薄的特点而备受赞誉,当玻璃杯触到嘴唇时,几乎没有外来感觉。它深受那些致力于细致和更美味地享受饮料的人的喜爱,同时也备受传统日本餐厅、料亭、酒吧和餐馆等知名场所的青睐。除了作为一种玻璃杯的功能属性外,它因其突显玻璃的细腻和优雅的“减法美学”,以及与传统漆器相辅相成的“日本现代设计”,在国内外都受到了艺术家和设计师的高度赞誉。
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns